Terms & Conditons
- These Terms and Conditions specifies rights and obligations arising from agreements concluded through indirect and direct means of communication by and between Printexpress.pl with its registered office at ulica Trawki 7, 80-257 Gdańsk, NIP [Tax Identification Number] 755 181 14 94 hereinafter referred to as Printexpress.pl, and the Client.
- Each and every time these Terms and Conditions shall refer to the Client, it shall be deemed a natural, adult person, a legal person or an organisational unit without the legal personality, who is granted legal capacity under separate acts of law, who shall place an order or use other services provided by Printexpress.pl, or have such an intention.
- All information available on Printexpress.pl website and referring to the products (including the prices) shall not constitute a trade offer under article 66 of the Polish Civil Code – they shall be understood as an invitation to conclusion of an agreement specified in article 71 of the Polish Civil Code.
- The completion of the payment for an order shall be deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
- The order shall be collected within 10 working days running from the execution date agreed by the Parties. The storage of the Client’s goods shall create additional costs -net 50 PLN for each started week of storage.
- Orders are accepted only via e-mail, at addresses stipulated at https://printexpress.pl/.
- Printexpress.pl requires the Client to define exact sizes of print. In order to meet this requirement, the Client is recommended to consult the Printexpress.pl professional, who shall help the Client specify the size of print. It shall be noted, that after the design is printed, it seems to be smaller than it was in the visualisation. Should the Client not specify the size of the print, it shall be understood as the acceptance of the sizes proposed by Printexpress.pl.
- Orders shall be executed after the full payment. If the Client cancels the order, he/she shall be charged with 20% of the value of the order.
- Printexpress.pl shall accept payments in the following currencies: PLN and EUR, although PLN shall be deemed the default currency. Should the Client intend to pay in EUR, he/she shall indicate it while placing the order. Printexpress.pl shall only accept bank transfers, such forms of payment as payu, blik or credit cards shall not be accepted. The Client shall be able to pay by cash at the Printexpress.pl registered office.
- Printexpress.pl shall not accept complains based upon a subjective opinion concerning the type or structure of the print. They are described in detail on the website: https://printexpress.pl/en/faq-eng/#Sekcja1_2 and https://printexpress.pl/en/printing-methods/
- Orders shall be executed within 10 working days from the day of accepting payment, set forth in §1.2 hereof.
- It shall be agreed that the Client has the right to place an express order, depending on the current capacity of Printexpress.pl. The choice of the express mode shall result in the payment of additional 15% of the net value of the order.
- Should the Client wish to place an order without prior execution of a test, Printexpress.pl shall not be responsible for any differences between the finished product and the visualisation.
- Product specification shall not guarantee that the colours in the finished product will perfectly match those included in the project. The resumption of the same project shall not guarantee obtaining the same colours.
- The Client shall analyse the available tag colours and accept the chosen colours.
- . Should the Client wish to place an order without prior execution of a test, Printexpress.pl shall not be responsible for any differences between the finished product and the visualisation.
- As the range of colours of threads used for the production of tags is limited, the Client shall clearly state that he/she needs a particular colour of tags.
- Should the Client not specify the PANTONE numbers for each colour, Printexpress.pl shall not accept any complaints connected to the issue of colours used in the print. The Client shall accept the colours indicated by Printexpress.pl .
- It shall be noted that in the case of colour splitting (which concerns only these projects that feature tonal transitions) the final outcome will differ from the visualisations due to screen print technical limitations. Therefore, Printexpress.pl shall recommend to order a test before placing the actual order. It shall also be noted that in the case of this printing technique, it is impossible to stick to the PANTONE catalogues while deciding on the colours.
- Should a project feature elements too small to apply the Flex technique, Printexpress.pl shall have the right to ask the Client to send the project again or edit the sent one.
- The last visualisation sent by e-mail and accepted by the Client shall be deemed the version forwarded to print.
- It shall be noted that the graphic professional shall not check the substantive aspect of the project, i.e. its content. The Client shall be responsible for all errors connected to punctuation, orthography, language or omissions; such errors shall not provide the basis for complaints.
- Should the Client not specify the PANTONE numbers, Printexpress.pl shall not accept complaints based upon errors in these numbers.
- It shall be noted that the Client shall specify the size and location of each and every element of the print. Lack of such information from the Client shall equal the acceptance of sizes and locations proposed by Printexpress.pl. The printed design always seems to be smaller than it was in the project.
- The product which constitutes the subject of a complaint shall be returned to Printexpress.pl’ registered office; Printexpress.pl shall examine the complaint within 14 days from receiving the products.
- The complaint shall be clearly described and sent to the following e-mail address: reklamacje@printexpress.pl
- Printexpress.pl shall return any money payable due to the accepted complaint in EUR and PLN.
- The Parties shall acknowledge and accept the exclusive liability of Printexpress.pl for the alleged financial losses suffered by the Client due to, in the Client’s opinion, improper execution of the subject of the agreement. Printexpress.pl shall bear exclusive liability for indirect damage.
We understand that not everyone needs to be a print expert and sometimes needs a little help. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
It will save you your time and money.